How to apply the gelatin mask
There are too many recipes of lifting masks tested by ladies of all ages. Every one of them is looking for what she likes best. I prefer honey gelatin face mask recipe.
Honey really appreciated by many women in that case acts as a nutritious ingredient. Gelatin is added into the mask in order to impart the mask lifting effect.
How to make gelatin mask – recipe
- 1/2 tsp gelatin
- 1 tsp honey
- 1 tsp glycerin
Glycerin in this recipe plays an ancillary role. It does not give the mask to harden on your face. If you don’t have glycerin on hand, you can fix recipe without it. Also, don’t add glycerin, if you are doing a mask in the room with low humidity.
- Put gelatin in the glass bowl. Add two tablespoons of water and mix it & give it to bloat.

To speed up the process you can put the bowl in a water bath. Just don’t let it to boil.
- Slightly cool dissolved gelatin and add a teaspoon of honey inside.

- Prepare glycerin. Solution is diluted glycerin 1:1 with distilled water. Add 1 teaspoon of the mixture into the bowl with gelatin & honey.
The mixture should be slightly warm. It is applied onto the face in two layers. First one – when the mask is done. Second one – 3 minutes after.
Applying the mixture with a brush is best. It can be a special cosmetic brush or just pure big size drawing brush. I prefer the second one, because cosmetic brush is very soft and applying the mask is not always convenient.
Cotton swabs are also not suitable because of cotton fibers remaining on the face due to gummy mask mixture.
Sponge is not very good for this purpose because it absorbs a great amount of ingredients.
Try to avoid the eye area during procedure.

Keep the mask about 20-30 minutes, but don’t let it dry. Apply a new layer when it dries up.
Wash away the mask with a damp sponge. Pre moisten the face with the sponge and then carefully rinse off the mask.
Pat the face with towel and be sure to apply a moisturizer.
It’s enough to make this mask once a week.
Homemade gelatin face mask benefits:
- skin tightening
- smoothing fine wrinkles
- cleansing of pores
Mask is simple to prepare and is suitable for using at home. It’s quite effective. The skin of your face after the mask looks fresh, elastic & toned.
The remaining mixture can be stored in the refrigerator up to two weeks, as it contains perishables.